Saturday, March 28, 2009

Last night we went out. It has been along time. The last 3 weeks have been dominated by my job. we went to see Blue Velvet on the big screen at Central Cinema, a cool cinema where you can eat and drink while watching a movie. (Sort of like at home) It was amazing! I have seen the movie several hundred times, but never on the big screen. (I feel very lucky to have married someone who has the same taste as me!)

I am on Spring Break now, still nursing a wicked cold and leave for Kauai tomorrow morning for a much needed vacation! We have been taking it easy due to the germs going around and the weather that refuses to clear and warm. I finally picked up Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog! So great! Joss continues his reign! Can't wait to see what he comes up with next. While nerding out I found a Map of the Verse! Very cool...add this to my list. If you are reading this and are a Whedonist, vote for Dr. Horrible for the Streamy Audience Choice award.

We went to the Sounders first game and it was awesome!!! We look forward to going to more games and watching our new team on tv too! They are really good and we were starved for some local live sports!!!

1 comment:

Rilda said...

Hello, I ran across you blog. Just wanted to wish you a wonderful spring break, doing the things you love to do. Many blessings your way, rilda *U*