Sunday, October 25, 2009

jets to brazil

I am sitting on the couch with a heating pad on my back trying to watch Breakfast at Tiffanys. I have never seen it and so far, I am not sure what the big deal is. Though I noticed the "Jets to Brazil" poster in Holly's apartment. On Wednesday morning at 4 am I woke up in blinding pain. My back and neck spasming and tighter than something very very tight. Since then I have been sleeping or propped up on the couch, with a heating pad and on muscle relaxers. Yesterday I ventured out to get a massage, which I think helped, but the outside world was really too much for my condition.

I have had time to watch the first season of True Blood, the sixth season of Buffy, The Women remake and the original, Little Children and Breakfast at Tiffanys. I am feeling much better today, but I did actually move around the house this morning and worked a little on an iep that I need to finish by Tuesday, and now I am hurting, so it's back to the drugs, heating pad and couch. I was going to go to the shelter today to volunteer, but there is no way that was a good idea. I hope that I fully recovered by next weekend, so I can volunteer.

I can knit a little, but mostly I have seriously been doing a whole lot of nothing. I am pretty sure I can blame all this on a stupid basket that I was filling with work crap and it weighed a million will be purely decorative from now on.

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