Monday, October 8, 2007

Blog? what Blog?

Ooops. I guess it's been a few days since we last updated the blog. Sorry 'bout that.
We made it through South Dakota unscathed and we've spent the last few days in Fort Collins, Colorado with my parents. We don't have any pictures right now because I'm using my Mom's computer, but we've had a real nice time cruising around Colorado and eating my Dad's "Home Cookin'." (I put those quotes up around that phrase because the term Home Cookin' doesn't really describe the sort of amazing meals my Dad creates in his home.) We watched some Elk do their funky Elk mating dance in the Rockies and we watched a bunch of football on my parents big ol' TV. (Heather mostly knitted during the football.) We also saw a group of amazing sheep right next to the road, chewing on some grass.

Tomorrow morning we'll continue our adventure moving west. We've decided to make this last part of our journey a little more direct than we originally planned. We've been on the road for a while and we'd both kind of like to get back to our nice new apartment in Seattle and figure out what the rest of our lives might look like.

We'll try to update again (with pictures!) as soon as we run into some wi-fi. Stay posted! XOXO

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