Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Okay, so Heather beat me to it, but I really was going to post on the blog today, seriously.
My apologies to all our faithful readers for not blogging more, but those of you who know me know that I really stink at keeping in touch with people and I guess that not even a fancy internet blog is going to change that. Also, I havent had much to say. Not a whole lot going on in Topherville, and that's fine by me. Heather got a contract, and that's awesome (see her post below this one) and I've mostly just been working a lot. I planted a bunch of herb seeds and those all sprouted, and I'm working out how to set up an herb garden on our balcony (or is it a veranda?)

We've been going out to eat a lot lately, because it's fun, and we like good food. I think the best new restaurant we found is Txori, a brand new and very tasty Basque tapas place in the belltown neighborhood, and Matt's in the Market gets second place. Honorable mention goes to Pizza Pi in the University District and Orrapin Thai which has quickly become our favorite Thai restaurant within easy walking distance (and there's more than a few of those.)

St. Patrick's Day was on Monday, and the Irish girl I live with was kind enough to cook up a big traditional Irish dinner. I invited my old roomates Steve and Nels over and we ate Corned Beef and Champ (a mashed potato dish with peas and scallions) and boiled cabbage and cupcakes. Oh, and beer. It was really good. I'm looking forward to next St. Patrick's day, but next time we're gonna buy more beef, I was hoping to be eating leftovers this week.

Speaking of my old roomates, the annual Guys From Wisconsin and Friends Snowboarding Trip to Mt. Baker was a couple weeks ago, and I actually managed to get out of work and attend. It was my only snowboarding experience this year so it was great to have good weather and fresh snow and lots of old friends around to watch me fall down. Here's a picture of me and Craigo in the Mt. Baker parking lot:

Okay, that's it for me. Today is my day off work and I have to run some errands and get a haircut. That should be interesting. Maybe I'll post a picture of my new head tomorrow.
But probably not.

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