Friday, April 11, 2008

Springtime in Seattle

I chatted with my parents last night. They tell me it snowed last night in Colorado. We'll its springtime in Seattle. The weatherman says it might get up to 70 tomorrow.

In other news, we got a hummingbird feeder. It's the kind that sticks to the window. I stare at it all the time but I haven't seen any hummingbirds yet. I'll let you all know when they show up.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I was so tired today after work that I was delirious. I sort of drove Topher crazy (and even drove myself a little nuts, but that is so different!), which was a new experience for him.

Work is wild...I have less free time and way more to do! Isn't that always the way? We go see the Dalai Lama, as a school on Monday and then take the WASL for 3 whole weeks!

He always posts the worst pictures of me and I guess I should be complimented on this, he is looking at me through the eyes of love or something, but I wish he would quit it.